

Upcoming Events

Unlocking Your Retirement Success


  • Understanding Retirement
  • Financial Planning: Pension, Insurance, Wills
  • Maximizing Retirement Benefits
  • Coping Strategies for Psychological Challenges
  • Transitioning into Post-Career Roles
Practical Solutions to Public Speaking


  • Overcoming Stage Fright
  • Crafting Compelling Speeches and Impromptu Speakings
  • Engagement  and Persuasion Techinques
  • Vocal Delivery and Body Language
  • Handling Q&A sessions and Audience Analysis
Customer Service Strategy, Charter, Standards and Skills

This highly practical seminar establishes a solid foundation and structure for fresh Customer Service initiative. During the first stage participants examine, co-create or revise the organizational Customer Service Charter. There after, define the under-pining Customer Service journey and their role in the customer experience. The second stage explores and develops Customer Care skills requires to deliver the Charter and Standards.


Nigeria, Liberia, Gambia, Ghana


2-Day Fast Track Seminar

Practical Solutions to Passenger Rights​

Since the 1978 deregulation of the airline industry in USA, there have been clamor for redress for passenger rights. Ever since, various governments around the world have made legislations to find succor for the teeming travelling public. This workshop will cover topics such as: Origin of Passenger Rights, Who is a Passenger, What rights does he/she have, Types of flight irregularities, Causes of flight delays/disruption, Actions airlines take to ameliorate the effects on passengers, Legislations by different Government agencies on passengers rights.


Nigeria, Liberia, Gambia, Ghana


2-Day Workshop

How to Decongest Courts (Restorative Justice Explained)

This course includes 12 modules discussing subjects ranging from philosophical framework and fundamental concepts of restorative justice down to facilitation of restorative justice agreement. At the end of the modules, the RJ Facilitator should be able to explain the philosophy, values and guiding  principles of Restorative Justice as well as its application within the criminal & Civil Justice.


Standard Class (Nigeria, Liberia, Gambia, Ghana) and  Master Class (UK only)


4-Day Seminar and Study Tour

Previous Trainings

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